Ape Escape: On the Loose PSP Cheats
- Unlockables-
Ape Ping Pong mini-game-- collect 40 specter emblems PSP game cheats codes
Jack Attacks mini-game- collect 30 specter emblems PSP game cheat codes.
Snowkidz Racing mini-game- collect 10 specter emblems PSP game cheats codes.
Specter boxing extra characters and survival mode- Finish specter boxing PSP game cheat codes
Specter mini-game: collect 20 specter emblems PSP game cheats codes.
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Archer Maclean's Mercury
- Unlockables
Bonus Stages Place first in every high score board on every stage to unlock their world's respective bonus stages. PSP game cheats codes
Secrets-All Levels-Select 2 player mode and enter hg? as your initials. Exit and start 1 player and hold L + R and press select at the world selection screen to unlock all levels. Hold L + R and press select again to lock the levels. PSP game cheats codes
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ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
- Passwords
- Profile Password Cheats
- From the main menu go to "Options", then "Player Profile", then finally "Enter Cheat", from there enter the codes below EXACTLY as you see them. PSP game cheats codes
$moneybags$-Gets you 1500 Credits. PSP game cheats codes
TO LAZY-Unlock all ATVs except the G-Ride or Fury bike PSP game cheats codes
TRICK IT OUT-Unlock all bike parts PSP game cheats codes
N0GAME-Unlock all events PSP game cheats codes
SMOG TEST-Unlock all exhausts PSP atomsfamily.net game cheats codes
All Access-Unlock everything except the Fury bike. PSP game cheats codes
- +THREE-Unlock Ravage Talon ATVs PSPcodes
Billboards-Unlocks all Music Videos. PSPcheats codes
Duds-Unlocks all Rider Gear. PSPcheats codes
Dubs-Unlocks Rims. PSPcodes
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Cars Psp game cheat codes
PSPCheat Codes-
Unlock Bonus Speedway Reversed Track- Goto the main menu hold L as you enter X, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square PSP game cheats codes
Crash Tag Team Racing / PSP Cheat Codes
Hold L1 + R1 and press Square, Circle, Square, Circle at the main menu- Japanese Crash Cheat Codes: PSP game cheats codes
Hold L1 + R1 and press X, Circle, Circle, X at the main menu - One hit knock outs PSP Cheat Codes
Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle at the main menu- High speed mode PSP Cheat Codes
Hold L1 + R1 press Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square at the main menu, Toy block cars PSP Cheats Codes
Hold L1 + R1 and press X, Circle, Circle, Square at the main menu Chicken heads PSP Cheat Codes
Darkstalkers Chronicle
Unlock Marionette-At the character select screen in Arcade Mode Highlight "?" and press start 7 Times then press any P or K PSP game cheats codes
Unlock Oboro Bishamon-At the character select screen in all Modes highlight Bishamon, Hold Start and press any P or K PSP game cheats codes
Unlock Shadow-At the character select screen in Arcade Mode Highlight "?" and press start 5 Times then press any P or K PSPcheats codes
EX Option Menu-At the main menu, hold down L and select Option. PSPcheats codes
Unlock Art Gallery-Successfully complete the game with 100%. PSP game cheats codes
Unlock Arcade Intro Sequences-Successfully complete the game with 100%. PSP game cheats codes
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- Concept Art- Collect 700 Precursor Orbs PSPcheats codes.
E3 2005 Trailer- Collect 600 Precursor Orbs PSP game cheat codes.
Game in Construction-Collect 900 Precursor Orbs PSP game cheat codes.
Intro Animatic-Collect 800 Precursor Orbs PSP game cheats codes.
Behind the Scenes-Collect 1000 Precursor Orbs PSP game cheat codes.
Braveheart Minigame- get 100 Orbs PSP game cheats codes.
Indiana Jones Minigame- get 300 Orbs.
Lord of the Rings II Minigame- get 500 Orbs PSPcheat codes.
Lord of the Rings Minigame- get 200 Orbs PSP game cheat codes.
Matrix I Minigame-get 1 Orb PSP game cheats codes.
Matrix II Minigame- get 400 Orbs PSP game cheat codes.
Indiana Jones Hat-get Gold on Indiana Jones Minigame PSP game cheat codes.
Pants- get Gold on Lord of Rings II Minigame PSP game cheats codes.
Website Clue A-Gold on Matrix I Minigame PSPcheats codes.
Website Clue B-get Gold on Braveheart Minigame PSPcheats codes.
Website Clue C-get Gold on Lord of the Rings I Minigame PSP game cheat codes.
Website Clue D-get Gold on Matrix II Minigame PSP game cheat codes.
Daxter's Goggles-connect Daxter to Jak X Combat Racing on the PS2, it gives you the option to give Daxter goggles.
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Dead to Rights: Reckoning PSP Cheats
Unlock Normal Challenge mode -Complete normal game PSPcheat.
Unlock Supercop mode- Select (hard) Complete Normal game pspcheat
Unlock Infinite Adrenaline -finish stage 5 PSPCheat
Unlock Infinite ammos -finish stage 4 PSP cheats.
Unlock Fit Dog-Finish stage 6 PSP Cheat.
Unlock Super Deformed Mode- finish stage 2 PSPCheats code.
Unlock Extra Stage- face two people, beat them you and unlock that guy and his mansion. Now play against another player as that guy in his mansion.
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Death Jr. / PSP Cheat Codes
Pause the game press and hold L + R + to enter codes--
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, Square, Triangle Invincibility Cheat Codes
Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Right, Down Unlimited Ammo Cheat Codes
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O All Weapons /Weapon Upgrades PSP game cheat codes
Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Down, Right Ammo Refill PSP game cheat codes
Death, Jr. 2: Root of Evil PSP game cheat codes
To enter psp cheat codes for Death Jr. 2 pause the game and enter the following at the Pause Menu
- Unlock All Weapon Upgrades - hold L press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle PSP game cheat codes
- Unlock Invincibility - Hold L press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, Square, Triangle PSP game cheat codes
- Unlock Refill Ammunition - Hold L press Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square Circle, Down, Right PSP game cheat codes
- Unlock Unlimited Ammunition - Hold L press Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square Circle, Right, Down PSP game cheat codes
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Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai / PSP Cheat Codes
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Press L at main menu. When "Dragon Click" appears press R to play a mini-game PSP game cheat codes
After getting the Z rank in every fight in the chapter. Z rank -Unlock Card Sheets. PSP game cheat codes
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Exit-Sony PSP Cheats and Codes
Unlocks Situation 8-Press: L, R, left, right, square, circle, X, triangle PSP game cheats codes
Unlocks Situation 9-Press: triangle, down, circle, left, X, up, square, right PSP game cheats codes
Unlocks Situation 10-Press: right, down, up, left, circle, X, R, L PSP game cheats codes
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Ape Escape: On the Loose PSP Cheats
Archer Maclean's Mercury
ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
Cars Psp game cheat codes
Crash Tag Team Racing / PSP Cheat Codes
D Darkstalkers Chronicle
Dead to Rights: Reckoning PSP Cheats
Death Jr. / PSP Cheat Codes
Death, Jr. 2: Root of Evil PSP game cheat codes
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai / PSP Cheat Codes
PSP Game Cheat Codes for playstation 2 video games for cheat codes sony playstation portable game cheats codes for psps |