Army Men: Air Attack 2

Army Men: Green Rogue

Army Men RTS Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 -


 Army Men: Air Attack 2

Army Men: Green Rogue

Army Men RTS

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 -

Playstation 2 video game cheat codes

Army Men: Air Attack 2

Level Passwords

Main Menu -"Continue Game" -"Password"

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 2- Up, X, Triangle, Right, Left, Square, Circle, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 3-Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, Square, Square, Up, Up Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 4-X, Right, Left, X, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 5-Down, Down, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Right, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 6- Triangle, X, Up, Left, Right, Left, Circle, Triangle Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 7-Left, Square, Right, Down, Circle, X, X, Right Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 8 -Triangle, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Down, Down, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 9-Up, X, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Left, Left Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 10-Triangle, Up, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Down Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 11- Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Square Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 12-Right, Up, X, Right, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 13-Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Down, Right Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 14-Square, Right, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Down, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 15-Left, Right, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Circle Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 16-Triangle, Circle, X, Right, Right, Circle, Square, Down Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 17-Square, Up, Up, Right, Left, Square, Down, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 18-Circle, X, Right, Triangle, Square, Up, X, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 19-Down, Right, X, Square, Right, Up, Circle, Circle Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level 20-Up, X, Circle, Up, Left, Square, Circle, X Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

Army Men: Green Rogue playstation 2 cheat codes

 Sink Shark Submarine-Shot out the turrets to sink it.

 Staying alive-Always move no matter what. Weave dodge, cut and run.

 Weapons-Build up the Bazooka and the Flame thrower's to maximum power. Alternate between the Bazooka and flame thrower. Use the Bazooka to eliminate obstacles and the flame thrower to remove the tan troops.

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Army Men RTS Playstation 2 Cheat Codes


PS2 cheat codes army men 2,000 electricity- during play, hold R2 press Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X PS2 Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men 5,000 plastic-during play hold R2 press Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Square PS2 Playstation 2 Cheat Codes.

PS2 cheat codes army men Alternate colors of teams on map-during play, hold R2 press Square, Triangle, Square(x2), X, Circle. PS2 Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Extra dump truck resources-during play, hold R2 press Square(x3), Triangle, Circle, X PS2 Playstation 2 Cheats Codes.

PS2 cheat codes army men Hidden surprise-during play, hold R2 press Square, Triangle, Left(x2), Triangle, Square Cheat Code.

PS2 cheat codes army men Paratroopers-during play, hold R2 press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle(x2) PS2 Playstation 2 Cheats Codes.

PS2 cheat codes army men Super enemy soldiers-during play, hold R2 press Triangle(x2), X, Square, Triangle(x2) PS2 AtomsFamily.Net Playstation 2 Cheat Codes.

PS2 cheat codes army men Super soldiers-during play, hold R2 press Square(x2), X, Triangle, X, Square PS2 Cheat Code .


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Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 - Playstation 2 Cheat codes


PS2 cheat codes army men All weapons-Enter GIMME Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Big mode-Enter IMHUGE. Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Debug information-Enter THDOTEST Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Invincibility-Enter NODIE. Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Invisible-Enter NOSEEUM. Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Level select-Enter FREEPLAY. Playstation 2

PS2 cheat codes army men Tiny mode-Enter SHORTY. Playstation 2 Cheat codes


PS2 cheat codes army men Bed - COT Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Boot Camp - BOOTCAMP Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Bridge - OVERPASS Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Cashier - EXPRESS Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Castle - CITADEL Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Desk - ESCRITOIRE Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Dinner Table - DINNER Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Graveyard - NECROPOLIS Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Pinball Machine - BLACKKNIGHT Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Plasticville - BLUEBLUES Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Pool Table - EIGHTBALL Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Refrigerator - COOLER Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Revenge - ESCAPE Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Rocket Base - NUKEM Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Tan Base - MOUSE Playstation 2 Cheat codes

 Toy Shelf - BUYME Playstation 2 Cheat codes

PS2 cheat codes army men Toy Train Town - LITTLEPEOPLE Playstation 2 Cheat codes

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