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  video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords / Playstation 2 Game cheat codes editor is always looking for new code contributors. If you know of a Playstation 2 / PS2 Game cheat code that is not listed please Email us at


Tenchu 3 Wrath of Heaven Playstation 2 video game cheat codes


Tenchu 3 Wrath of Heaven Playstation 2 cheats codes PS2

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock All Characters- title screen /press L1, R2, L2, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, L3, R3. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock All Items- Items screen, hold R1+L1, then press UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, LEFT, SQUARE, SQUARE, DOWN, SQUARE, SQUARE, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock All Layouts- Mission Select screen then press R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1. . Playstation 2, PS 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock All Missions- Mission Select screen / press L1, R1, L2, R2, RIGHT, SQUARE, L3, R3. . Playstation2 PS2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock All Multi-Player Stages- mission select screen during multi-player then press L1, R1, L2, R2, RIGHT, SQUARE, L3, R3. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Unlock Bonus Stage-Go to the title screen and press L1, UP, R1, DOWN, L2, RIGHT, R2, LEFT. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Add Points- Pause the game hold L1, R1 while pressing RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT. . Playstaion2 PS2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Increase Items- Items Screen, hold R2 and L2, press SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Infinite Items-item screen, hold L1, L2, R1, R2 then press SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, SQUARE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Play Demo Stage- title screen, press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, X, X, X. . Plastation 2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Regain All Health- Pause game then press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE. . Playstation2 cheats codes

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Display Score Cheat- pause and press RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT . Playstation 2 cheats codes.

PS2 game CHEATS CODES PASSWORDS Special Move Cheat- Pause then hold L1 and L2. then press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, release L1 and L2 then press SQUARE, SQUARE, R1, R2. . Playstation 2 cheats codes

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video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords


video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords