Peter Jackson's King Kong
Playstation 2 video game cheat codes
Peter Jackson's King Kong Playstation 2 cheat codes
Unlock Cheat Menu-At the main Menu hold L1 + R1 while entering DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP.
- During the game enter the following codes into the cheat menu
8wonder- Unlock Invulnerability
- GrosBras - Unlock One-hit deaths
- KK 999 mun - UNlock 999 rounds forcurrent weapon
- lance 1nf - Press reload to summon lance
- KKcapone -Unlock submachinegun
- KKtigun -Unlock handgun.
- KKsn1per - Unlock bolt action rifle
Enter the following codes at the main menu
- KKst0ry - Unlock all chapters
- KKmuseum - Unlock all extras