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Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat Playstation 2 video game cheat codes

Pirates: The Legend of Black KatPlaystation 2 cheat codes

    Unlock Cheat Menu-At the main Menu hold L1 + R1 while entering DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP.

  • Unlock Invulnerabilty- While holding R1 and R2 press X Circle L3 Triangle R3 Select R3 L1 L2 Square
  • Treasure Chests on Map!-While holding R1 and R2 press-R3 X Triangle L3 Circle L1 Select L3 Square L2.
  • Unlock Lots of Gold - While holding R1 and R2 down press, Triangle R3 L1 Square X R3 Select L3 Circle L2
  • Unlock the Head of Kane - Hold R1 and R2 and press Triangle L2 L1 Square L3 X L3
  • Unlock SSX Music-At the slope in Glacial Gulf enter the following While holding R1 and R2 L1 X Triangle L2 Square Circle L3 Select R3 L3
  • Unlock Infinite Items- Hold R1 and R2 and enter the following code-Triangle L1 Select L2 R3 L3 Square X R3 Circle
  • Unlock Helium Mode- While holding down R1 and R2 press R3 Circle Select X R3 Triangle L1 Square L2 L3
  • Unlock The Invulnerable Wind Dancer- Hold R1 and R2 while pressing Triangle L1 X R3 L2 Square R3 Circle L3
  • Unlock Katarina's Next Sword-While holding down the L1 and L2 buttons, press R3 Select L2 L3 Square X L1 Circle L3 Triangle
  • Unlock the Galleon- While holding R1 and R2 press L2 Triangle R3 L3 X Square R3 Select L1 Circle



video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords


video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords