Atomsfamily.net / Playstation 2 Game cheat codes editor is always looking for new code contributors. If you know of a Playstation 2 / PS2 Game cheat code that is not listed please Email us at PS2Cheats@atomsfamily.net.
Playstation 2 video game cheat codes
Barnyard Playstation 2 cheat codes
- Cheat Codes
At the Main Menu Hold R1 and R2 while entering the following codes-
Unlock all Bonus Items- Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Square, X, Circle, Triangle.
Unlock all Antics- Triangle, Square, X, circle, circle, X, Square, Triangle.
Durin ame play Hold R1 and R2 while entering the following cheats
Earn 9,999 Gopher Bucks- X,X, Square, Square,Square, Square,- Triangle, Square
Earn all Knapsack and Flower Pack Items X, X, Triangle, circle, square, square, Circle, Triangle
Barnyard Playstation 2 cheat codes AtomsFamily.Net