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Cheats for Tomb Raider Legend
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
Playstation 2 video game cheat codes



Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

Lara's Moves:-

 Handstand- HOLD L1, L2, R1, R2 when Lara is hanging from a ledge. Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

 Somersault-HOLD TRIANGLE then UP (Analog Stick) when facing a ledge. Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

 Backflip-Hold L1 and X while against a wall then press AWAY (Analog Stick). Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

 Swan Dive-Hold L1 and Up (Analog Stick) then press CIRCLE. Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

 180 Degree Turn and Crawl-Hold L2 for Lara to stay down then press SQUARE. Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

 Skip Level- Pause game hold L1, R2, DOWN, TRIANGLE. then press CIRCLE, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, DOWN. Playstation 2 cheat codes PS 2

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 Cheats for Tomb Raider Legend

Bulletproof Lara- Complete England Time Trials under 27:00 PS2 Game Cheats

One hit deaths-Complete Bolivia Time Trials under 4:15 PS2 Game Cheats

Textureless Objects-Complete game PS2 Game Cheats

Amanda-Complete time trial during West Africa PS2 Game Cheats

Infinite MG415 Ammo-Complete Peru Time Trials under 21:30 PS2 Game Cheats

Infinite RC650 Ammo-Complete Japan Time Trials under 12:15 PS2 Game Cheats

Infinite shotgun Ammo-Complete Ghana Time Trials under 20:00 PS2 Game Cheats

Infinite grenade launcher-Complete Kazakhstan Time Trials under 27:10 PS2 Game Cheats

Excalibur-Complete Nepal Time Trials under 13:40 PS2 Game Cheats

Soul Reaver- Finish the game and all the time trials. PS2 Game Cheats

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video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords
video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords