A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |K | L | M-Z
To select a game to find it's cheats, use the green drop down menu in the main graphic above. When you hover over the letter of the alphabet the drop down menu will list games that we have info on starting with that letter.
To submit an Xbox 360 Cheat Code Email us at xboxcheats@atomsfamily.net.
The Xbox 360 Kinect
Microsoft's Xbox unveils it's latest gadget. Kinect for the Xbox 360. To be released in November to help create a holiday shopping frenzy, Kinect is positioned to be the "IT" gadget for frantic Christmas and holiday shoppers.
So what's so special about the XBox 360 Kinect?
The Kinect for Xbox is a stand alone unit that sits in front of you and tracks more than 40 points on your body to detect and track your own movements and translates the movements into the games designed for it.
Kinect has voice and Facial recognition Software allowing it's users to sign into Xbox live simply by waving. You can also set it up to allow you to motion togol system menus, select Seens in Movies ect... It allows for total controller free control over the xbox live, your music, videos ect... Video Chat is also possible.
The Kinect promises to release games and software for every generation of the family. Much Like the Wii with Wii Fit, Xbox will release fitness games for the mature (Moms) as well as action games for the kids.
Amped 3- Xbox360 cheat codes
AT cheat code screen:
Enter X, Y, Up, Left, LB (x2), RT, X, Y, LT - unlock all levels atomsfamily.net xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter Right, LB, LT, X, Left, RB, RT, Y, LT, X -unlock all challenges xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter RB (x2), Down, Left, Up, RT, X, RB, X(x2) -unlock all Awesomeness xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter LB, RT, Y, Up, Down, X, LT, Left, RB, -unlock all tricks xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter Y, Down, Up, Left, Right, LB, Right, RT(x2), RB -unlock all gear xbox360 cheats codes
Enter RT, X, LT, Down, Right, LB, LT, RT, Y, X unlock all sleds xbox360 cheat codes
Enter Left, RT, LB, RT, X (x2), Y, Down, Up, X -unlock all build licenses xbox360 cheat codes
Enter LT, RT, Up (x2), RB, Left, Right, X, Y, LB -unlock all build objects xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter Up, Left, RT, RB, RT, Up, Down, Left, Y, LT -unlock all music xbox 360 cheats codes.
Enter Down, X, Right, LB, Right, RB, X, RT, LT, Y unlock all configs xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter Up, RT, X, Y, LB, X, Down, LB, RT, RB -Awesome always full xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter X (x4), Yx3), X -Super spins xbox360 cheats codes
Enter RT, Down(2), Up, X, LB, Y, RT, Y, Down - Low gravity xbox 360 cheats codes
Enter X (x2), LB, Down, Right(x2), Up, Y(x2), LT- Disable AI xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter Y, RT (x2), LB, Down (x2), Left (x2), Right, LB - Loud speakers xbox 360 cheat codes
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Amped 3- Xbox360 cheat codes
Ace Combat 6: Fires Of
Alien Hominid HD
Amped 3
Army of Two
Assassin's Creed
All Pro Football 2K8
Armored Core 4
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The
Burning Earth
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat XBOX 360 Cheats codes
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat
Bankshot billards XBOX 360
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII
Bejeweled/ 2
The Bigs
Bio Shock
Burnout revenge
Burnout Paradise
Call of duty
Call of duty 4
Call of Duty 5 World at War Xbox 360 Cheats
Cars (Disney)
Cars Mater-National
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
The Club
College Hopps 2K6
College Hopps 2K8
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic:
Dark Sector
Dead Rising
Def Jam: Icon
Devil May cry 4
Dynasty Warriors:6
Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat XBOX 360 Cheats codes
Cheat Codes-
All Weapons-During game, hold LB + RB press Right(x2), Down, Up, Left{x2} xbox 360 cheat codes
Burnout revenge XBOX 360
Watch Madden NFL 06 trailer in Special Features menu -unlock the Madden Van xbox 360 cheat codes.
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Bankshot billards XBOX 360
Easy Bankshot Ultimate Hustler Achievement xbox 360 cheat codes
loose a turn, quickly pause /return to the main menu and loss won't count. Shark only five games for -Bankshot Ultimate Hustler Achievement xbox 360 cheat codes.
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Bejeweled/ 2 XBOX 360
Change jewel types Hold LT + LB + RT + RB press A xbox 360 cheat codes.
Remove background grid Hold LT + LB + RT + RB press B xbox 360 cheat codes.
Original mode -Choose the "Play Game" option, then press following options in order repeatedly: "Classic", "Action", "Endless", then "Puzzle". Keep it up until "Please Wait" appears then Bejeweled xbox 360 cheatx codes.
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Far cry instincts: predetor XBOX 360
Fantastic 4: Rise Of The Silver
Far cry instincts: predetor
Fatal Fury Special
Fight Night Round 3
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
Frontlines: Fuel Of War
Full Auto
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
The Godfather
Grand Theft auto IV 4 CHeat COdes xbox 360
Halo 3
Lego Star Wars II
Call of duty XBOX 360
Mission selection screen, hold LB + RB and press Left (x2), Right (x2), Y (x2)- Mission select xbox 360 cheat codes
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Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion Cheats XBOX 360
infinite gold glitch xbox 360 cheat codes
Go to the house owned by a man named Dorian (Dorian's House) in the southeast section of Talos Plaza District of Imperial City . Break into his house and find him. When he tells you to leave, kill him. Do not loot him. Take each item one at a time, the gold last,. Just keep selecting the gold he is carrying and keep pressing A.The number of gold pieces remaining will freeze when it gets down to 8 gold pieces. It will not go any lower.
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Far cry instincts: predetor XBOX 360
Enter "Bloodlust" - Infinite Feral Attacks xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter "UnleashHell"- Infinite ammunition xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter "ImJackCarver"- Restore health xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter "FeralAttack" - Feral Attack xbox 360 cheat codes
Enter "GiveMeTheMaps"- All maps xbox 360 cheat codes.
Enter "GiveMeItAll"- Far Cry Instincts: Evolution game xbox 360 cheat codes
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Far cry instincts: predetor XBOX 360
Fight Night Round 3 Xbox 360 Cheat Codes
Full Auto Xbox 360 Cheat Codes
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Xbox 360 Cheats codes
In the Xbox Live Arcade xbox 360 cheat codes.
Get a 10x multiplier- Multitastic xbox 360 cheat codes
Live through first sixty seconds without shooting or using a bomb- Pacifism xbox 360 cheat codes
Collect nine bombs- Quartermaster xbox 360 cheat codes
Get nine lives Mad Cat Skillz xbox 360 cheat codes
Score 100,000, 250,000 or 5,000,000, or 1,000,000 and get another equal number of points xbox 360 cheat codes.
Guantlet XBOX 360
Press Y - extra health xbox 360 cheat codes
All characters idle a few minutes- Turn walls into exits xbox 360 cheat codes
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Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter XBOX 360
At the mission selection screen-
Hold LT + RT + Back then press Y, RB, Y, RB, X - unlock all missions xbox 360 cheats codes
Pause game hold LT + RT + Back and press Y (x2), X, RB, X, LB- Scott Mitchell xbox360 cheats codes
Pause game hold LT + RT + Back and press X (x2), Y, RB, Y, LB- Team invincible xbox 360 cheats codes
Pause game hold LT + RT + Back and press LB (x2), RB, X, RB, Y-100% health xbox 360 cheat codes
Pause game, hold LT + RT + Back press RB (x2), LB, X, LB, Y- Infinite ammunition xbox 360 cheat codes
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Customize your backgrounds for your Xbox 360 using your Sony PSP.
Use the USB ports on the bottom of the XBOX system to plug your PSP in.. On the PSP, select "USB Connection" option. Then go to "Media" slide on the XBOX 360 and select "Pictures". Choose the "Portable" option. Any photos on your PSP should appear. Press X. The background on every slide should have picture.
For MotoCross Tracks and AMA Supercross Dates and Results
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Xbox 360 Cheat codes and Passwords for Microsoft Xbox 360 video games