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  • Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition
  • Midnight Club II
  • Midnight Club
  • Playstation 2 video game cheat codes

    Midnight Club

    Unlock Smugglers Run Buggy- Use a memory card with the Smuggler's Run game save file on it. When you goto the Vehicle select menu the Smugglers run Buggy will be there

    Midnight Club II

    Goto Options then Cheat codes and enter the following to unlock

    • Midair Craziness-carcrobatics
    • Unlimited Nitro Boost-greenLantern(enter exactly as written)
    • No Vehicle damage-gladiator
    • Enable rockets and machine gun-savethekids(once enabled use L3 and R3-press down on left and right joysticks to fire)
    • All special abilities-polePosition(enter exactly as written)
    • All vehicles in arcade and career mode-theCollector(enter exactly as written)
    • Pedestrians move faster-voomPeds>/li>

    Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition

    Goto Options from the main menu then choose Cheat Codes and enter the following codes exactly (case sensitive)

    • Unlock all cities in arcade, circuit races,- urbansprawl!
    • No damage to Vehicles- ontheroad
    • Increase Car Weight in arcade Mode-hyperagro
    • Play with flaming head-trythisathome
    • Play with Giant yellow smiley face head-getheadj
    • Play with pumpkin head-getheadk
    • Play with rabbit ears-getheadl
    • Play with snowmans head-getheadm
    • Play with skull head-getheadn
    • Play with body of chrome-haveyouseenthisboy




    video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords


    video games cheats codes for playstation 2 ps2 ps 2 and video game cheat codes passwords